landscape portrait is about the limitations that we impose on nature by trying to understand it through a human lens. In the music, clamps on individual vibraphone bars mute notes, creating order out of what would otherwise be a tangled, resonant mess. These restrictions increasingly come into conflict with the vibraphone itself, blocking elements of the music until the performer removes them. Although it may be counterintuitive, landscape portrait argues against trying to make sense out of that which we cannot understand, instead appreciating things for what they are.

landscape portrait was commissioned by:
John Wayne Duke, consortium leader
Alex Alfaro, Jonathan Anderson, Bradley Baird, Taylor Burks, Aaron Michael Butler, CHannel2 Percussion Duo, John Cope, Michael Corts, Andrew Robert Creech, Nathan Daughtrey, Chris Goulet, Matt Hauser, Ryan Kimball, Christian Kuhlman, Mariusz Mocarski, Jonah Payne, Alexandrea Richard, Baldwin Rufino, Nick Tallant, Noah Williams, Bastian Wood, and Leon Zajimovic

Performance History

premiere: December 2021, Mariusz Mocarski, Warsaw, Poland

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