B.P.M. Tempo Groups
You can access each Tempo Group playlist by clicking on the links below or using the embedded Spotify playlists.
Tempo Group 01: 60-64 and 120-129 • Tempo Group 02: 65-69 and 130-139 •Tempo Group 03: 70-74 and 140-149
Tempo Group 04: 75-79 and 150-159 • Tempo Group 05: 80-84 and 160-169 • Tempo Group 06: 85-89 and 170-179
Tempo Group 07: 90-94 and 180-189 • Tempo Group 08: 95-99 and 190-199 • Tempo Group 09: 50-52 and 100-104
Tempo Group 10: 53-54 and 105-109 • Tempo Group 11: 55-57 and 110-114 • Tempo Group 12: 58-59 and 115-119
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